Only registered members can share their thoughts. This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view. Update: it will take a while to restore the site, in the meantime join the official MedianXL Discord server: Discordapp. Btw the Launcher is not mandatory to play the mod, you could always download the files above and follow the installation instruction.
Sadly there isn't a mirror site to download the Launcher, so for now you'll have to wait. I am sure they are aware if it is and if so were could I find a mirror site or alternate download? The site is down because the providers corrupted the entire filesystem while upgrading the machine, hopefully it'll be back up and running asap. I'm trying to get to the site to download the launcher but I keep getting a error stating the server is down.
If you encounter some sort of error look here for tips: Forum. New items, and multiple changes to character skills can also be found in this new version.